What Are The 3 Types of Organic Farming?

Population increase has always been a major concern in India. Today’s fast urbanization, improved lifestyle, and higher food consumption patterns have resulted in an increase in food demand in the country. As a result, higher food output is critical to maintaining food security and meeting consumer demand. It was for this reason that the Green Revolution was implemented in the 1960s. To increase agricultural productivity, farming adopted contemporary methods, technology, and significant use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, such agricultural intensification resulted in soil fertility loss, pollution of soil, water, and air, and detrimental effects on human health and the environment.

What Are The Basics Of Organic Farming?

Organic Farming Principles

Organic farming is founded on four fundamental principles: health, ecology, fairness, and care.

  • Organic farming should promote soil health, thereby maintaining plants, animals, humans, and the planet.

  • Ecology – Organic farming should help to sustain natural cycles and living systems.

  • Fairness – It should be based on solid partnerships that promote environmental, social, and economic justice.

Organic farming should be done with caution, keeping the environment and future generations in mind. The major goal is to encourage large-scale high-quality food production by improving soil fertility, minimizing pollution, avoiding the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, protecting genetic variety, and promoting natural farming system cycles.

Types of Organic Farming

There are two forms of organic farming: pure organic farming and integrated organic farming.

Pure Organic Farming entails the avoidance of all synthetic chemicals. Fertilizers and insecticides are instead acquired from natural sources.

Integrated Organic Farming entails an integrated approach to nutrient management and pest management in order to achieve both ecological and economic objectives.

3 Types of Organic

3 Types of Organic

Why is Organic Framing is Much In Demand ?

How to Begin Using Sustainable Farming Practices

Organic farming, regardless of the type, employs the same techniques and methodologies. Soil management entails the use of natural fertilizers to replace soil nutrients after each cropping season. Weed management avoids the use of chemical weedicides in favor of natural weedicides such as mulching or cutting. Furthermore, biological pest management is promoted, which is consistent with sustainable farming practices.

Organic farming has several advantages, including superior quality and high nutritional food, which is healthy. It is a sustainable method of improving crop productivity. Furthermore, it is regarded as a low-cost cultivation method with a high return on investment. While it adheres to sustainable farming principles, some of its drawbacks include restricted off-season crops, low agricultural products in the early years, and insufficient infrastructure. As a result, immediate changes are required to strengthen organic farming and make it more appealing to the greater farming community.

The Benefits of Organic Farming

  • Organic farming in India is particularly cost-effective because it does not rely on expensive fertilizers, pesticides, or HYV seeds to sow crops. It has no cost.
  • By adopting less expensive and more local inputs, a farmer can earn a high return on investment. One of the most important benefits of organic farming in India.
  • Organic products are in high demand in India and around the world, and they can earn more money through export.
  • Organic items are more nutritious, flavorful, and healthy than chemical and fertilizer-based ones.
  • Organic farming in India is particularly eco-friendly because it does not utilize fertilizers or chemicals.
Organic Farming

Organic Farming

Why Is There Need to Switch on Organic Farming

These are some of the advantages of organic farming, demonstrating that it is profitable for everyone

Organic Farming’s Drawbacks

  • Organic farming in India has fewer possibilities, and there are few off-season crops.
  • Organic agriculture products are scarce in the early years. Farmers are having difficulty accommodating mass output.
  • The biggest disadvantage of organic farming is a lack of product promotion and inadequate infrastructure.

These are the details on Organic Farming in India, including the many types of organic farming, methods, and benefits.


Organic farming is an important method of preserving the natural environment. Organic farming keeps the environment pure and less contaminated, and all of the resources needed to sustain life on Earth are less threatened. Furthermore, organic farming is imported to give people healthy food. When they ingest organic farming products in the form of healthy food, very few or no chemicals enter their bodies through food, making them less susceptible to severe diseases. Furthermore, because organic farming uses natural manures, the soil stays in better form and is more productive.


  1. What is organic farming?

A: Organic farming is a method of growing crops that relies on natural inputs and processes, rather than synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

2. What are the three types of organic farming?

A: The three types of organic farming are:

  • Pure organic farming: This type of farming relies solely on organic inputs and processes, and does not use any synthetic inputs.
  • Integrated organic farming: This type of farming combines organic and inorganic inputs to improve crop yields and soil health.
  • Agroforestry organic farming: This type of farming combines agricultural crops with trees and shrubs to create a more sustainable and diverse system.
  1. What are the advantages of pure organic farming?

A: Pure organic farming can help reduce exposure to harmful chemicals in food and water, and may provide more nutrients in the food that is grown. It can also promote biodiversity and improve soil health.

4. What are the advantages of integrated organic farming?

A: Integrated organic farming can improve crop yields and soil health by combining the benefits of organic and inorganic inputs. It can also help farmers transition to organic farming more easily.

5. What are the advantages of agroforestry organic farming?

A: Agroforestry organic farming can help improve soil health, reduce erosion, and provide multiple sources of income for farmers through both agricultural and forestry products.

6. How can farmers choose the best type of organic farming for their needs?

A: Farmers can choose the best type of organic farming for their needs by considering their goals, resources, and local conditions.

7. What can consumers do to support organic farming?

A: Consumers can support organic farming by buying organic products, supporting local farmers, and advocating for policies that promote organic farming practices.