Black Wheat

A few years ago, a post went viral on social media platforms saying that after seven years of research, a new variety of wheat had been created that can cure health problems like cancer and diabetes. Some farmers in Neemuch, Malwa, and Indore districts had reportedly planted this new wheat variety during the rabi season last year. Farmers were curious about the production of black wheat, but the end result showed that it was produced like any normal wheat. Furthermore, this new variety of wheat has so many health benefits and even the ability to prevent some serious diseases like diabetes and cancer that are actually very difficult to cure by medical science.

According to Govind Nagda, a progressive farmer from Kanakheri village, part of Neemuch district, with the help of a friend from the Nabi Research Center in Mohali, had obtained 40 kg of black wheat seeds from three bighas in the country. When this wheat was weighed after harvesting and cleaning, its weight was 36 quintals. However, production remained the same as for normal wheat. Ordinary wheat also produces 1012 quintals on an average of bigha.

In addition, after 7 years of research, black wheat was patented by the National Institute of Food Biotechnology (NABI) Mohali. This wheat is called “Nabi MG” and it is available in black, blue, and purple and is much more nutritious than common wheat. Also, black wheat is helpful in preventing stress, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

While anthocyanins are available in common wheat with 5 to 15 passes per million, in black wheat there are 40 to 140 passes per million. Anthocyanins offer health benefits just like fruits like blueberries. It was also said that it removes free radicals from the body and prevents heart, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and other diseases. The zinc content is also high in this new type of wheat.

What is black wheat?

We normally use white wheat in our daily routine, but black wheat is much healthier compared to white wheat. Black wheat has many health benefits and many important nutrients, and its consumption also boosts the body’s immunity. Black wheat contains antioxidants, B vitamins, folate, selenium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, calcium, iron, copper, potassium, fiber, and amino acids, which make this wheat rich in nutrients.

How is black wheat different?

What distinguishes black wheat in color is the pigment called “anthocyanin”, which also determines the color of fruits and vegetables. The concentration of these pigments determines the color of other natural foods. Normal wheat has an anthocyanin concentration of 5 ppm (parts per million); on the other hand, the black wheat grain is said to contain around 100-200 ppm of anthocyanin (exact numbers: 140 ppm). This scientifically makes black wheat a healthier option. These anthocyanins are the natural antioxidants that arise when the grain is filled in a field and thus enrich the wheat with many nutritional values.

Black Wheat

Black Wheat

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Benefits of using black wheat

Without a doubt, the benefits and beneficial health effects of black wheat are obvious. The reports of Dr. Monika Goyal, NABI, Mohali shows, this type of wheat will tackle the problem of malnutrition in India. Below are some other benefits of black wheat.

Black wheat helps fight many diseases

The presence of higher amounts of anthocyanins protects you from inflammatory diseases and treats high blood pressure, the common cold, urinary tract infections, and heart disease. Anthocyanins control heart disease and improve cholesterol and blood sugar metabolism in diabetics. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2008, anthocyanins also help prevent obesity.

Enhanced immunity

Other than anthocyanins, black wheat also contains more antioxidants than regular wheat that control antibodies and free radicals in our body. These antioxidants keep the immune system going by providing protection against DNA damage and lipid peroxidation. The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of black wheat increase the production of cytokines that regulate the immune response.

Black wheat promotes eye functions

Black wheat effectively protects the eyes from vision loss and damage caused by free radicals. Black currants also contain high amounts of anthocyanin, which also improves night vision. Inadequate nutrition information due to lower anthocyanin intake leads to night blindness. Black wheat is the solution to all adult eye problems.

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Black wheat production guarantees higher income

Black wheat production will undoubtedly benefit farmers who produce in large quantities. Growth and production are expected to increase based on the findings of the ongoing investigation. Meanwhile, the institute encourages farmers to produce as much black wheat as possible to maximize production, eradicate malnutrition and increase their income.

Disadvantages of black wheat

An investigation is still ongoing

Price and production costs are not yet clear to farmers, limiting the production of this crop. Farmers and crop producers are unable to use the correct methods to produce black wheat due to an insufficient number of seeds and limited knowledge of black wheat.

The market price will increase

Since production is insufficient to meet supply and demand, the cost of black wheat to the general consumer will be two to three times that of normal wheat. This also leads us to the fact that people with financial difficulties are still unable to obtain nutritional information for themselves and their families.


1. Which is better black wheat or normal wheat?

Black wheat is high in antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, which may have a variety of health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions. Black wheat is also a good source of iron and other minerals, and it is relatively high in protein compared to other types of wheat. Normal wheat, on the other hand, is generally lower in antioxidants and other plant compounds compared to black wheat.

2. Is black wheat good for losing weight?

Whole grains like black wheat can be a healthy part of a weight loss diet. They are high in nutrients and can help you feel full and satisfied, which can help with weight management.

3. Is black wheat sugar-free?

Black wheat, also known as black rice, is a type of grain that is naturally low in sugar. It is a whole grain that is high in fiber and contains a variety of nutrients, including iron, B vitamins, and antioxidants. While it does contain some natural sugars, it is not a significant source of added sugars, and can be considered sugar-free for most people.

4. In which country black wheat is grown?

Black wheat, also known as heirloom wheat or ancient grain wheat, is grown in a number of countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, and European countries such as Italy and France. It is grown as a specialty crop and is prized for its unique flavor and nutritional properties. It is often used in bread, pasta, and other baked goods, and is also popular as a health food due to its high fiber and protein content.

5. Is black wheat expensive?

Black wheat is generally more expensive than more common types of wheat such as red wheat or white wheat. This is because it is typically grown on a smaller scale, and is often considered a specialty crop. The demand for black wheat is also generally higher, which can contribute to its higher price.

6. What is the best wheat bread for diabetics?

If you are a diabetic, it is generally recommended that you choose bread that is made with whole grains and has a lower glycemic index (GI) value. The glycemic index is a scale that measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels.

7. Is Black Wheat consumable?

Black Wheat is specifically known for boosting the immunity of the human body. The nutrients immuning human body are many including basics such as Zinc, Copper and Iron, Calcium etcetera. Thus, the Black Wheat is consumable.

8. What are the benefits of Black Wheat flour?

According to the most recent health newsletter from the National Institute of Food Biotechnology in Mohali, India, black wheat has been scientifically proven to be a better solution to many incurable diseases such as various types of cancer and diabetes. It has also been scientifically proven that black wheat can help with eye problems.

9. Is the price of Black Wheat affordable?

Currently, several food biotechnology universities in India are experimenting further with black wheat and its seeds. The efficiency and transparency of black wheat are scientifically cleared and approved, though the limited quantity and resources of black wheat make it unavailable in many parts of India. As a result, the cost of purchasing black wheat is significantly higher than the cost of purchasing regular wheat.

10. What are the differences between Black Wheat and Normal Wheat?

The major distinguishing factor between black and normal wheat is the presence of anthocyanin, a color-adding pigment. It has antioxidant content, which makes it richer in nutrients.

11. Is Black Wheat gluten free?

Yes. It is gluten free. Therefore it is a conducive food material to make Gluten Free Wheat processed food items such as cookies, biscuits etcetera.