Summary on sugarcane farming.

Sugar cane is a widespread crop in India. sugarcane farming directly or indirectly, provides employment for more than one million people and contributes significantly to the national treasury. The world’s sugar cane producing countries are located between latitudes 36.7 degrees north and 31.0 degrees south of the equator and span the tropics and subtropics. Sugarcane farming is native to New Guinea, where it has been known for thousands of years. Sugar cane crops spread across Asia and the Indian subcontinent along human migration routes. Here it was crossed with wild relatives to create the commercial sugarcane we know today.

Guide to Sugarcane Farming.

Sugar cane is considered a tropical plant in nature , because it is a long-lasting culture, we encounter all seasons throughout our lives: rain, winter and summer. Sugar cane grows best in hot, sunny areas of the tropics. The “ideal” climate for maximum sugar production by sugarcane cultivation is characterized as follows:

  • A long, warm growing season with a high incidence of solar radiation and adequate moisture (rainfall) – the plant uses from 148 to 300g of water to produce 1.0g of dry substance.
  • A fairly dry, sunny and cool, but frost-free season for ripening and harvesting – moisture percentage drops steadily throughout the life of the sugarcane plant, from 83% in Sucrose increases from less than 10 to more than 45% dry weight in young to mature cane to 71%.

Suitable soil for Sugarcane Farming.

A well-drained deep well with a bulk density of 1.1-1.2 g/cm³ (1.3-1.4 g/cm³ for sandy soils) and a good total porosity balance of more than 50% of pores of various sizes Loamy soil. Groundwater table less than 1.5-2.0 m above the surface and at least 15% available water storage capacity (15 cm per meter of soil depth is considered ideal for sugarcane cultivation). For sugarcane cultivation, the optimum soil pH is around 6.5, but sugarcane can tolerate significant levels of soil acidity and alkalinity. Therefore, it grows in soil with a pH between 5 and 8.5. If the pH is below 5.0 lime is required and if the pH is above 9.5 gypsum application is required. Nematode infestations are to be expected in very sandy soils.

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When is sugarcane harvested in India

  1. Sugarcane Farming In India is planted three times a year in October (autumn), February-March (spring) and July (Adsali).
  2. Adsali planting is widespread in Maharashtra, while autumn and spring plantings are more common in northern India.
  3. In North Indian conditions, sugar cane is basically planted in spring.
  4. Germination of sugarcane requires 25-32°C. This temperature requirement is met twice under North Indian conditions , October and February to March.
  5. Autumn planting of sugar cane takes place in October.
  6. Complete sowing by October 20th for high yields.
  7. Delayed planting can reduce the germination rate of sugar cane due to low temperature of planting, resulting in reduced yield.
  8. Spring canes are planted in February-March. March in Punjab and Haryana, February to March in Uttar Pradesh and January to February in Bihar are the best times to plant sugar cane.
  9. As you move eastward, the earlier you plant. In Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka sugar cane is planted from December to he February.


Sugarcane farming process.

  • Sugar cane farming must be done at the correct stage of maturity. Harvesting too early or too late will result in loss of quality and quantity in the final product. Stop watering about 10-15 days before harvest.
  • The cane is fed diagonally and harvested, Cut at ground level with a pipe cutter knife.
  • If you don’t hold Ratoon, make it a little deeper.
  • Next, remove the dry leaves and roots from the cane. • Cut off immature tops along with 2-3 internodes.
  • Small tube bundles are created using sheet ropes and carried to the crusher.
  • Must be crushed within 24 hours of harvest to avoid conversion of sucrose to glucose.
  • The average yield of sugar cane is 100 tons/ha.
  • The average pre-season sugar cane yield is 120 tons/ha.
  • Average yield of tons of Adsali sugarcane per hectare.

Sugarcane farmers

Sugarcane farmers say it’s good to have FRP guaranteed, but feel they need to increase FRP to reflect rising costs of living and a more equitable distribution of income.

Profits from increased ethanol production at sugar mills have not yet trickled down to farmers, said Vishwas Jadhav, his 40-year-old farmer in Karad and an agricultural cooperative who is also an active member of Baliraja Shetkari Sanghatana. Points out Mr. The body remains as it is.

“Several sugar mills in Maharashtra, including those in Karad, divert sugar cane and its by-products to produce ethanol and benefit more from the (government’s) ethanol blending programme. We use bagasse to generate electricity and use other by-products to ultimately make more profit. However, our income has not increased significantly in recent years. Get FRP that can’t cope with the ever-increasing cultivation and living costs. There are many states offering better prices to sugarcane farmers.

Many farmers in Karad shared the feeling that their incomes have not changed much in recent years. States like Maharashtra pay the farmer his FRP, while some states like Uttar Pradesh pay as State Suggested Price (SAP) set by the state government and often higher than FRP. Payment is made in a known manner. His FRP for sugar cane was 305 rupees per quintal while the central government set him for the sugar season of 2023 (October to September) from 2022 to 340 rupees per quintal for UP . Other states offering SAP are Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Tamil Nadu.

Sugarcane farmers in the SAP-serving states earn 10-15% more income per quintal compared to farmers in Maharashtra.

Shekhar Gaikwad, the state sugar commissioner, said sugarcane farmers could benefit from the ethanol blending program through a revenue sharing scheme (RSF). According to this formula, factories that generate surplus income share it with farmers.




  1. What is the ideal climate for sugarcane farming in India?

A: Sugarcane grows well in tropical and sub-tropical regions with an average temperature range of 20°C to 35°C and rainfall of 1500mm to 2000mm per year.

2. What is the best time for planting sugarcane in India?

A: The ideal time for planting sugarcane in India is between October and December.

3. How long does it take for sugarcane to mature?

A: Sugarcane takes around 10 to 12 months to mature from the time of planting.

4. What are the common pests and diseases affecting sugarcane crops in India?

A: Common pests and diseases affecting sugarcane crops in India include white grub, sugarcane aphid, early shoot borer, red rot, and smut.

5. How is sugarcane harvested in India?

A: Sugarcane is harvested in India by manually cutting the mature stalks with a sickle or by using machines.

6. What are the uses of sugarcane in India?

A: Sugarcane is primarily used for the production of sugar, but it is also used for the production of molasses, ethanol, and jaggery.

7. What is the market potential for sugarcane farming in India?

A: Sugarcane is a major cash crop in India, and the country is one of the world’s largest producers of sugar. The market potential for sugarcane farming is high, with demand for sugar and sugarcane-based products expected to increase in the coming years.